Horoscope | today | Virgo

Virgo Horoscope

Aug 23 - Sep 22

May 08, 2024's Horoscope

Tap into fresh inspiration energizing your studies and exploration. Grab a rare opportunity. Investigate a fascinating subject. Follow a curious obsession. Discover unexpected treasure.







today's Aspects

1:10 AM

Moon sextile Saturn

Provide well for family. Be precise and very neat! Follow the rules exactly.

2:34 AM

Sun conjunct Moon

Energize your physical moves. The New Moon tonight initiates two weeks of growing work, health and strength. Put your heart into your actions. Practice makes perfect.

10:36 AM

Moon conjunct Uranus

Watch out for breakage. A problem develops. A surprising development in a group setting inspires action. Ponder what you've discovered. You're uncovering new data.

3:44 PM

Moon conjunct Jupiter

Explore new work space options. A very lucky moment for love. Good news from far away. Go along with everything else. Keep your objective in mind.

9:11 PM

Moon sextile Neptune

Make an important connection. Reminisce with friends. Others are impressed.

10:36 PM

Moon enters Gemini

Consider new opportunities for the next few days. Responsibilities weigh heavily. Use the next two days to forge ahead. Anticipate changes.

May Horoscope

May 2nd

Tune your instruments and prepare for a performance later in the year. Make plans and calculations.

May 8th

Make connections, contributions and discoveries. The next two-week phase favors study, investigation and exploration. Consider new perspectives.

May 23rd

A six-month full moon phase highlights communications, connection and intellectual discovery. Adapt around challenges. Keep channels open. Write, edit and share.


Mercury is direct for another

Mars is direct for another

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