Horoscope | today | Pisces

Pisces Horoscope

Feb 19 - Mar 20

May 09, 2024's Horoscope

Home and family take priority. Fill yours with love. Reduce noise, chaos and clutter. Invite people over and share some home-cooked goodness together.







today's Aspects

2:06 AM

Moon Trine Pluto

The end is near. Underscore your statements with feeling. You can get whatever you need. Your chances of winning improve. Allow your imagination to run free.

May Horoscope

May 2nd

Do what worked before. Prepare to launch a community effort later this year. The group may reverse a decision.

May 8th

Express, share and connect. Creative projects flower. Possibilities spark in conversation over this new moon phase. Write your story.

May 23rd

The full moon eclipse illuminates a shift in your educational direction. Your exploration changes and adapts.


Mercury is direct for another

Mars is direct for another

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