Horoscope | today | Leo

Leo Horoscope

Jul 23 - Aug 22

May 02, 2024's Horoscope

Collaborate to complete or resolve past issues with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. Grow by releasing old resentments. Reconsider routines and habits. Reinvent and reimagine together.







today's Aspects

6:53 AM

Moon square Uranus

Think it over longer. Truth vies with beliefs. All does not go as expected. Travel's better postponed. Wait and rest.

10:10 AM

Moon square Jupiter

Travel interferes with your routine. Don't flirt on company time. Show your philosophical side in public. The opposition holds out, and it could get tense. Partnership issues demand attention.

11:59 AM

Pluto retrograde

Nostalgia surges. Social trends look to the past. Adapt community efforts around changes over five months with Pluto retrograde. Enjoy time with old friends.

7:26 PM

Moon enters Pisces

Handle finances now. Focus on your work today and tomorrow. For the next two days, handle financial matters. Prayer and meditation are powerful tools.

May Horoscope

May 2nd

Review and reaffirm your direction at work over the next five months with pluto retrograde.

May 8th

Pursue exciting possibilities. This new moon illuminates professional opportunities. Your career, status and influence rise.

May 23rd

Adapt with domestic changes over six months. Make repairs. Renovate, remodel and tend your garden.


Mercury is direct for another

Mars is direct for another

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