Horoscope | today | Capricorn

Capricorn Horoscope

Dec 22 - Jan 19

Feb 13, 2025's Horoscope

Stick to the practical road. Deviations and distractions could get expensive. Minimize risk and choose a reliable route. What you're learning provides lasting value.







today's Aspects

12:47 AM

Moon enters Virgo

Plan your vacation over the next few days. Create your agenda. If you can get away for a little while, go.

10:50 PM

Moon square Jupiter

Travel interferes with your routine. Don't flirt on company time. Show your philosophical side in public. The opposition holds out, and it could get tense. Partnership issues demand attention.

February Horoscope

February 4th

Insights arise through meditation, reflection and introspection. Your intuition gets louder now that jupiter is direct. Consider past, present and future.

February 12th

Adapt with community and team changes over six months. One social door closes and another opens with this eclipse.

February 24th

Nurture your health with good food, rest, medicine and nature. Steady action gets fabulous results.

February 28th

Enjoy yourself. Get creative. It's all for love. The new moon begins a two-week family, fun and passion phase.


Mercury is direct for another

Mars is retrograde for another

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