Horoscope | today | Aries

Aries Horoscope

Mar 21 - Apr 19

May 08, 2024's Horoscope

Cash can fly into your pocket. Avoid spending it as fast as it comes in. Discipline pays double. Pursue and develop a dreamy opportunity.







today's Aspects

10:36 AM

Moon conjunct Uranus

Watch out for breakage. A problem develops. A surprising development in a group setting inspires action. Ponder what you've discovered. You're uncovering new data.

3:44 PM

Moon conjunct Jupiter

Explore new work space options. A very lucky moment for love. Good news from far away. Go along with everything else. Keep your objective in mind.

9:11 PM

Moon sextile Neptune

Make an important connection. Reminisce with friends. Others are impressed.

10:36 PM

Moon enters Gemini

Entering a good phase for studying. You're smart, and getting smarter, you'll find it easier to concentrate for the next few days. Learn about money.

2:06 AM

Moon Trine Pluto

The end is near. Underscore your statements with feeling. You can get whatever you need. Your chances of winning improve. Allow your imagination to run free.

May Horoscope

May 2nd

Look back at what’s been accomplished. Review and revise plans over the next five months with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. Imagine a delightful future. Secure the ground you've captured. Strengthen networks of support. Savor special social connections.

May 8th

The Taurus New Moon reveals fresh beginnings and exciting possibilities. Savor sweet connections. You’re a magnet for lucky ideas. Develop them and shine.

May 23rd

One door closes and another opens with this Full Moon. Try new directions, subjects and projects. Study options and set out for inspiring destinations.


Mercury is direct for another

Mars is direct for another

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