Horoscope | today | Aries
Feb 13, 2025's Horoscope
You may feel disillusioned regarding your work or health. Keep your attitude positive. Optimism rewards. Exercise to grow energy, vitality and good humor.
today's Aspects
12:47 AM
Moon enters Virgo
Take on more work. More work coming for the next two days. Back to work, big time, next two days. Sort through feelings as they arise.
10:50 PM
Moon square Jupiter
Travel interferes with your routine. Don't flirt on company time. Show your philosophical side in public. The opposition holds out, and it could get tense. Partnership issues demand attention.
February Horoscope
February 4th
Expansive Jupiter stations direct today, for faster growth. What was stagnant now comes into flower. Take advantage of better conditions to advance.
February 12th
Obstacles become apparent with the Full Moon. Take another direction. Adapt around a challenge or change. Find your new course. Discover new possibilities.
February 24th
Now you can see which actions to take. Options that seemed obscure now clarify, with Mars stationing direct today. Advance, launch and take new ground.
February 28th
Good fortune shines your way with this New Moon. Opportunities and accomplishments abound. Take advantage of great conditions. Celebrate with the ones you love.